Adding multiple Rules

Once you have added an Offer then you may consider adding multiple rules to the added offer product.

  1. Navigate to Shopify Store->Apps->Post UpSell->Click on a created funnel

  2. Now click on "Display offer based on rules" under the Offers to add new rule

3. Now scroll down to add the Rule.

  • Relationship: This allows you to offer the displays when Any or All of the created rules matches.

  • Order Value: If you wish to display the offer only if the customer has purchased for a specific order value then you may choose this option and select either as "Greater than or equals" or "Less than or equals" and then enter the value you wish to.

  • Order Quantity: If you wish to display the offer only if the customer has purchased for a specific order quantity then you may choose this option and select either as "Greater than or equals" or "Less than or equals" and then enter the value you wish to.

  • Order Contains: If you wish to display the offer only if the customer has purchased for a specific Product then you may choose this option and select either as "Contains any" or "Contains all" and then select the product.

Once you have created a rule you may consider clicking on the "Add rule" option at the right top corner to add n number of rules to the same offer you have created and finally ensure to click on the "Update" button to save the rules to the offer.

Last updated